If you'd like to apply, please be aware of the following:

● Before applying please make sure you have a screened post up and have disabled anonymous comments. Friends only posts should be set to friends once accepted into the community to avoid harrassment of any kind.

● When applying, please make sure you provide two entry examples of substance Scene examples are not required.

● Post a current friends only with the date you applied, not the day you were accepted into the community. Please make sure you backdate or place the date forward so it does not show up on the friends page.

● Please have a layout that shows dates so that we mods can make sure to track activity and when you update.

● You must have a substancial entry of 100 words or more every six weeks, with a placeholder every three weeks. IE: You posted a link or question for your three week mark, when three weeks come up again you'd post your entry of substance. This can be something of 100 words or more, a playlist, or something that requires some sort of effort.

● If you were removed and wish to re-apply, you must have an update of substance up.

Harrassment of any kind will not be tolerated and if we hear and see proof of another member harrassing another you will be removed without question. No IC/OOC lines should be crossed in any way. While IC things can play out, if it becomes excessive and to the point where a member feels uncomfortable with drama or harrassment IC, you will be given a warning. We are here to write and not cause stress.

● Once allowed into the community you must post an introduction within two days and reply to comments to show activity or you will be removed and/or eligible for override.

● Overrides will be allowed if a member does not post an intro within two days and/or there is no one added by the two day mark. If you do not show activity on the friends page or comments within two weeks of being accepted, you will be eligible for override.

Have fun! Rules will be subject to change/expand if the community grows. Thank you for your interest in writers.